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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.027
[#2781690] 01.07.19 05:58
Odgovori   +    3
Všeč so mo Marshalovi otoki, do leta 5050 :-))))
aimon sporočil: 1.924
[#2781691] 01.07.19 06:13
Odgovori   +    3
"... so postavili cilj, da bodo najkasneje do leta 2050 poslovali neto brez emisij ogljikovega dioksida."
"John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, and various other critics have called the theory that human use of carbon-based fossil fuels will lead to catastrophic global warming or climate change a “hoax.” It is, but it’s more than that, it’s criminal.

Here are some of the scientific questions at the core of this issue:

Is the climate changing? Of course. The climate always has changed and always will.

Is the earth getting warmer? We should hope so for at least two reasons: First, the world emerged from the Little Ice Age in the 19th century, so it would be worrisome if it weren’t getting warmer. Second, all the history indicates that humans thrive more during warmer periods than colder ones.

It’s even possible that CO2 may not affect global warming at all. During many stretches of planetary history, there has been no correlation between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and global temperature. ..."

Google prevajalnik: Možno je, da CO2 sploh ne vpliva na globalno segrevanje. Med mnogimi deli planetarne zgodovine ni bilo korelacije med koncentracijo CO2 v atmosferi in globalno temperaturo.
frigelj sporočil: 80
[#2781710] 01.07.19 09:48 · odgovor na: aimon (#2781691)
Odgovori   +    1
Preč vržen denar :)
anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
[#2782119] 03.07.19 10:21
Odgovori   +    0
Trump želi naj Evropejci kupijo več ameriškega LNG, saj Američani želijo povečati proizvodnjo LNG ne glede na to, da se pri tem sproščajo velike količine ekološko škodljivega metana. Po domače, povečanje proizvodnje LNG je v nasprotju s podnebnimi cilji, dogovorjenimi v Parizu...Das Problem mit dem Flü

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