Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

rava sporočil: 266
Ko so alarmi začeli čivkat, naj bi zaposleni iskali ogenj in to bi bil verjetno lahko tist folk, ki je hodil po katedrali in so ga posnele kamere.
Če jih je pa softver pošiljal v tri krasne in ne na mesto, kjer je dejansko gorelo, je to zelo nerodna reč.
Si predstavljam, da je neki razlike če začneš gasit takoj ko zagori al pa čez 1 uro.

French newspaper Le Parisien reported that a fire alarm went off at Notre Dame shortly after 6 p.m. Monday but a computer bug showed the fire's location in the wrong place. The paper reported the flames may have started at the bottom of the cathedral's giant spire and may have been caused by an electrical problem in an elevator.

Officials had said a fire alarm was triggered at 6:20 p.m., but no fire was discovered. Then, at 6:43 p.m., another alarm sounded.