Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: Pasivno investiranje

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crt sporočil: 27.219
[Borza] Tema: Pasivno investiranje
[#2735660] 27.09.18 18:06 · odgovor na: anon-207617 (#2735658)
Odgovori   +    2
Zadnja sprememba: crt 27.09.2018 18:10
Po drugi strani bo shortanje banke katere imena se ne izgovarja po nemarnem, zacne pa se na D, konca pa na eutsche Bank, najbrz prepovedano v evropski Uniji, s cimer se bodo vsi demokraticno strinjali. Ampak saj najbrz obstaja tudi kaka italijanska ali spanska banka ki kotira na Frankfurt Boerse?
je ze bilo

vendar se zgodi tudi v boljsih druzinah

tukaj pa se namigi za to, kako zaobiti :)

glej tudi (if you feel so inclined) ec.europa.eu/info/la...36-2012_en

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2735660

Strani: 1

anon-207617 sporočil: 6.899
[Borza] Tema: Pasivno investiranje
[#2735661] 27.09.18 18:11 · odgovor na: crt (#2735660)
Odgovori   +    3
But more importantly, it's easy as pie to short a bank stock despite a short selling ban: you take an index that includes the bank; you build a synthetic index that includes every stock except the bank, and long that, and short the index that includes the bank. The synthetic index and the actual index cancel each other out and the trade works like a bank short.

We were told the tip by a trader we know, but it's really not rocket science. When we learned of this, we asked our wife, who has an economics degree but doesn't work in finance, "How would you short a stock if you couldn't short it?" and it took her all of five seconds to figure it out. (Yes, she's smarter than us.)

Strani: 1