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Tovariš pobalin, letala ukrajinske firme Antonov Design Bureau so v povprečju stara okrog 30 let, narejena pa so bila še pred razpadom Sovjetske zveze v ukrajinskem mestu Gostomel pri Kijevu. 7 jih je takšnih, ki se ponašajo z različico 124 in tale, ki nas obiskuje je pač zadnji od njih.
Hvala za pojasnilo. Iz spodaj navedenih virov sem sklepal, da je bilo nekaj An-124 narejenih/dokončanih že v samostojni Ukrajini (leta 2000).
First flown in 1982, civil certification was issued on 30 December 1992. In July 2013, 26 An-124s were in commercial service with 10 on order. In August 2014, it was reported that Antonov An-124 production was stopped due to the ongoing political tensions between Russia and Ukraine.
Series production of the An-72 was transferred to Kharkiv facilities, and “Aviant” was charged with mastering production of the unique An-124 "Ruslan", the world's biggest aircraft. Between 1979 and 2004 the plant produced 19 An-124s.
01 OCTOBER, 2002, Meanwhile, the last An-124 built at the Aviant plant in Kiev is being completed, but is not committed to a customer.
Ampak nekaj An-124 so očitno izdelali tudi v Rusiji.
Production of the giant An-124 freighter was revived last year at Aviastar's Ulyanovsk plant after a five year hiatus. The first of a new production batch of three An-124-100s was delivered to Volga-Dnepr last August.
It has replaced the Soviet Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex and manufactures the cargo aircraft An-124 Ruslan, Il-476 and the whole Tu-204 family (except Tu-214).
Za nas, ki smo z letališčem na zgornjem Brniku gor rasli bo pa vedno in samo Brn'k, pa če se vsi na glavo postavite.
Tudi zame, pa še težav s čšž-ji ne povzroča. :-)