
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Koliko se lahko znižajo cene stanovanj v Ljubljani?

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bostjan50 sporočil: 924
Zadnja sprememba: bostjan50 12.06.2008 22:46
Many erstwhile bubble cities have sustained particularly brutal hits. The median-price of a home in Sacramento, Calif. was down 35% during the three months ended May 31 compared to the same period last year, according to the real estate web site In Riverside, Calif. prices fell 29%, while San Diego prices dropped 26%.
Smaller cities in California's Central Valley, such as Stockton (-39%), Modesto (-37%) and Bakersfield (-29%), also recorded steep declines.Outside California, hard-hit markets include Phoenix (-18.8%), Las Vegas (-22%), West Palm Beach , Fla. (-32%) and Cape Coral , Fla. (-35%).