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MatejRigel sporočil: 264
Zadnja sprememba: MatejRigel 21.10.2022 00:25
še to sem se spomnil: eno staro študijo sem našel na temo nepremičnin in dolga. zelo zanimivi sklepi: Leverage: Please Use Responsibly. še link:

za vse tiste, ki se vam pa ne bo dalo brati: do 20% LTV je še mogoče kakšna vrednost za lastnike (delničarje), nad tem pa bolj malo:
"The credit crisis has made investors and fund managers aware of the possible negative impact of leverage. Before the crisis, the general belief was that higher leverage would result in a higher IRR. The findings reveal that the added value of leverage for core funds is highly overestimated. Although some leverage will improve the return, using more than 40% is likely to have a negative impact on the investor’s IRR. When measuring return with NPV, the optimal leverage is around 20%.
Ampak v času Bitcoina, ARKK, Tesle, se je na to malo pozabilo :)