Izbrani forum: Glavni forum
Izbrana tema: članek LJSE: 12 delnic Mercatorja močno potopilo indeks
Teme v drugih forumih o teh vsebini: Borza (10)
Strani: 1
Construction of the facility in the town of Chekhov has not been completed to date. Some of the objects declared to be ready and working, are not completed, the construction is not carried out because there is no funding .
The company Intereuropa, has a large debt prior to construction contractors , despite the huge investment already made in building.
Availability of debt creates disputes and conflict situations between the parties construction contract object Intereuropa IST in Russia.
Intereuropa in Russia, working in violation of the laws of Russia , company has no treatment facilities , industrial and fecal wastes without clearing merge into the river . Wastewater from the territory of Intereuropa IST erode the soil under the railway and supports the power line .
Administration of Moscow region and the city of Chekhov , decided to stop the violation of the law company Intereuropa IST, the company brought to justice and given a period of one month to address the shortcomings in the work . Company Intereuropa IST, threatens suspension activities and the closure of up to 90 days .
April 16, 2012 in the Russian TV broadcast released a report on the activities company Intereuropa IST , where the activities of the company called "environmental disaster" . In the broadcast of Russian TV representatives company Intereuropa accused of fraud company RIKO (the contractor construction of the facility Intereuropa in Russia) .
This article was published in the Russian print and online edition.
Watch Russian TV report on April 16, 2012 of Intereuropa here - www.chehov-vid.ru/video/798/
Read the online edition here - www.chehovvid.ru/rubriki/cat_8/pub_337/
[lev17]Kaj kompliciras... mafijec Skrabec je ze povedal, da je vse skupaj en velik mit :)
Сompany Intereuropa has a big problem in Russia .
Večina jih priporoča nakup delnic in v povprečju ocenjujejo, da bi lahko cena zrasla za približno tretjinowww.finance.si/35165...lov-s-Krko
Kdo bo pa še kupoval delnice, če je pa vlada spet zvišala davek na kapitalske dobičke.
Strani: 1