Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine
Izbrana tema: Davki na nepremičnine v ZDA
Strani: 1
sporočil: 6.715
Razpon je zelo velik, ponekod je davek celo 10% vseh prihodkov,
obdavčitev se kljub padcu cen ni znižala...
"A lot of places are trailing the market, not lowering taxes to reflect the lower home values," said Bruce Hahn, president of the American Homeowners Grassroots Alliance. "There's a lot of pressure on tax assessors to keep assessments up because state and local governments depend so heavily on property tax revenues."
In the Northeast., many homeowners pay more than 10% of their incomes toward property taxes alone. In Passaic County, N.J., the median homeowner devotes 9.68% of income -- $7,939 -- to property taxes.
"Some local governments simply offer more services to taxpayers, spending more on schools, for example. Citizens demand services and must pay for them.2
"A lot of places are trailing the market, not lowering taxes to reflect the lower home values," said Bruce Hahn, president of the American Homeowners Grassroots Alliance. "There's a lot of pressure on tax assessors to keep assessments up because state and local governments depend so heavily on property tax revenues."
In the Northeast., many homeowners pay more than 10% of their incomes toward property taxes alone. In Passaic County, N.J., the median homeowner devotes 9.68% of income -- $7,939 -- to property taxes.
"Some local governments simply offer more services to taxpayers, spending more on schools, for example. Citizens demand services and must pay for them.2
sporočil: 1.102
Če bo novi Zakon res:
1. puščal stopnjo obdavčitve prosti odločitvi občin (beri: raznoraznim Kavbojem & Indijancem)
2. ne bo omejil višine stopnje navzgor
Lahko pri nas še presežemo te procente.
On the bright side: Vsaj trg nepremičnin se bo začel premikati (cinizem)
1. puščal stopnjo obdavčitve prosti odločitvi občin (beri: raznoraznim Kavbojem & Indijancem)
2. ne bo omejil višine stopnje navzgor
Lahko pri nas še presežemo te procente.
On the bright side: Vsaj trg nepremičnin se bo začel premikati (cinizem)
Strani: 1