Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Deja vu: spet sem dokupil delnice Nvidie

Strani: 1

0430ABAKU sporočil: 2.015
[#3055329] 23.01.25 13:04
Odgovori   +    0
O matr, kakšen izbor!
Kot primer omenim samo za Rubik:
* RBRK has negative shareholder equity, which is a more serious situation than short term assets not covering short term liabilities.
* Currently unprofitable and not forecast to become profitable over the next 3 years
* RBRK is unprofitable, and losses have increased over the past 5 years at a rate of 45.6% per year.
FIskalnaFinta2 sporočil: 224
[#3055547] 27.01.25 12:47
Odgovori   +    2
Včasih se je reklo "Don't Try To Catch a Falling Knife"

Strani: 1