
Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: članek Boniteta NKBM ogrožena, država melje počasi

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anon-29373 sporočil: 62
[#1023674] 13.12.10 10:53
Odgovori   +    2
Apart from high-profile IPOs, Poland moved earlier than others to create modern pension funds, analysts say. These have been a source of capital for the stock market. Rules require pension funds to place substantial portions of their equity on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - not necessarily in Poland-based companies.

Thanks to its functioning private pension system, Poland is the only [central and eastern European] country with a viable capital market that can be used to finance corporate growth, says Ion Florescu, director of New Europe Capital, a London-based fund manager
anon-36709 sporočil: 144
[#1024995] 14.12.10 10:22 · odgovor na: anon-29373 (#1023674)
Odgovori   +    0
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