
Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: sds / etf

Strani: 1

IT2017a1 sporočil: 308
[#2730542] 28.08.18 12:52
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Od 1.1.2018 na Saxsoju ne morem več kupovati praktično vseh ETF jev na NYSE, ker kot so mi povedali na Saxsoju, izdajatelji niso izdali "KID" dokumentov. Ma kdo podoben problem pri drugih brokerjih? Spodaj odgovor Saxsoja...

Due to the new MiFID II regulations, a new Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs) Regulation came into effect on 1. January 2018 which requires financial product “manufacturers” to produce Key Information Documents (KID). For each product they produce, they must disclose the key features of the product across risk, rewards and costs.

For a number instruments, the manufacturer/issuer has chosen not to issue a KID. The effect is that Saxo will no longer be in a position facilitate trading to Retail classified clients.

IT2017a1 sporočil: 308
[#2730569] 28.08.18 14:12 · odgovor na: IT2017a1 (#2730542)
Odgovori   +    0
Si bom kar sam odgovoru:-)

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