Izbrani forum: Avto
Izbrana tema: članek Renaultov šef sprejel težek izziv - vodenje PSA
Strani: 1
sporočil: 7.327
Tole bo še zanimivo, človek ve zelo dobro, kako funkcionira
Renault. Ni dvoma, da ga bo na trgu napadel frontalno in to zelo
sporočil: 862
Me je ze strah, da bodo tudi Peugeoti in Citroeni postali tako
dragi za vzdrzevanje in kvarljivi kot Renaulti.
sporočil: 6.570
To bo še zanimivo videti. Renault se je namreč pregloboko zapletel
z električnimi vozili, pri PSAju pa je problem samo Peugeotov
dizajn, ki se ga da relativno hitro in poceni rešiti s
In potem bo sam Ghosn na spisku za odstrel.
In potem bo sam Ghosn na spisku za odstrel.
sporočil: 27.865
"v prihodnjem letu pa bon a mestu predsednika uprave PSA zamenjal
Philippa Varina"
Ministers and trade unions bristled at the fact that Varin, who will be stepping down three years before the end of his current contract, will receive an annual 310,000 euro ($420,000) pension net of tax and social charges.
"Given PSA's difficulties and given that the state has already guaranteed (finance arm) Banque PSA Finance for 7 billion euros, we have asked for some very thorough explanations from PSA on the financial arrangements of his retirement," Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg said.
"Things must be reconsidered," Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told reporters, standing by Montebourg's side as the two ministers left a cabinet meeting.
Read more: www.businessinsider....on-2013-11
Ministers and trade unions bristled at the fact that Varin, who will be stepping down three years before the end of his current contract, will receive an annual 310,000 euro ($420,000) pension net of tax and social charges.
"Given PSA's difficulties and given that the state has already guaranteed (finance arm) Banque PSA Finance for 7 billion euros, we have asked for some very thorough explanations from PSA on the financial arrangements of his retirement," Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg said.
"Things must be reconsidered," Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told reporters, standing by Montebourg's side as the two ministers left a cabinet meeting.
Read more: www.businessinsider....on-2013-11
sporočil: 48.253
[markoff]Konkurencnih klavzul avtomobilska industrija ne pozna? Zdi se mi skoraj neverjetno, da bi Renault to dovolil.
Tole bo še zanimivo, človek ve zelo dobro, kako funkcionira Renault. Ni dvoma, da ga bo na trgu napadel frontalno in to zelo hitro.
Navsezadnje je bila ona (sicer potem preklicana) odpravnina sefu novartisa (ki je sprozila 1:12 iniciiativo) v bistvu samo placilo za to, da NE gre delat v farmacevtsko industrijo.
Strani: 1