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Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: Harbor Light Securities Inc.

Strani: 1

anon-58786 sporočil: 5
[#897036] 18.08.10 22:31
Odgovori   +    0
Ta firma bi mi rada pomagala, da ragistriram svoje 'QEC shares' v USA, da jih lahko tam prodam (kupljeno v Londonu):
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Regulation S is a series of rules that clarifies the position of the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) that securities offered
and sold outside of the United States do not need to be registered with the SEC when issued, but the securities must be
registered with the SEC before it is sold in the United States.

In order that our client may still purchase the securities from you, the registration process needs to start immediately.

There are three steps required in to register the shares:

1) There must be written confirmation from the company that you are able to register the shares. Due to the length of the time you have owned the shares, this should be a formality.

2) The restricted shares must be recalled to book by the share registrars, and new, free trading common stock issued in their place.

3) The new free trading shares must be registered with the SEC in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933, in order that a US entity may acquire the shares.

$ 3,550.00 USD

**registration statement under the SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

As an American entity, the buyers are not legally to be the source of the funds used for the registration process. Our client has
confirmed that they will acquire the shares from you upon registration of the shares, as long as the transfer of the funds to
cover the costs of the registration process is made in a timely fashion.

Best regards,

Anita Baker
Legal Department
Harborlight Securities Inc
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Ali jih kdo pozna? Lahko imam probleme z njimi? Lahko ostanem brez svojega denarja?
lp, Yego

Strani: 1