
Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek BMW aprila z novim rekordom prodanih avtomobilov

Strani: 1

anon-10204 sporočil: 684
[#2392459] 18.05.14 16:01
Odgovori   +    4
Audi AG (NSU) delivered more cars than Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW)’s namesake brand through the first two months of 2014 to nab the global lead in luxury sales.

Audi sold 242,400 vehicles through February, 383 more than the BMW brand, according to data from the German automakers. At the same time last year, Audi trailed BMW, which has been No. 1 in the segment for nine straight years, by 429 autos.
anon-10204 sporočil: 684
[#2392460] 18.05.14 16:02
Odgovori   +    2
anon-10204 sporočil: 684
[#2392463] 18.05.14 16:12
Odgovori   +    2 Audi leading rival BMW in worldwide luxury sales race
anon-10204 sporočil: 684
[#2392464] 18.05.14 16:14
Odgovori   +    2
Autonews:Audi passes BMW in global sales to take lead in luxury race

Strani: 1