Izbrani forum: Glavni forum
Izbrana tema: članek Romanca s televizijami na žetone v bolnišnicah
Strani: 1
sporočil: 56
Ah, te romantične novinarke ...
"Najdražji TV aparat" za 250.000 USD ni TV aparat, ampak profesionalni kinematografski projektor Runco, 155 kilogramska pošast (www.runco.com/sc-1.html)
Res ima Runco tudi malo dražje TV aparate (plazma), ampak najdražji, 61-palčni, stane manj kot 20.000 USD (www.runco.com/pl-61dhd.html)
"Najdražji TV aparat" za 250.000 USD ni TV aparat, ampak profesionalni kinematografski projektor Runco, 155 kilogramska pošast (www.runco.com/sc-1.html)
Res ima Runco tudi malo dražje TV aparate (plazma), ampak najdražji, 61-palčni, stane manj kot 20.000 USD (www.runco.com/pl-61dhd.html)
sporočil: 5
Technically considered a television, Union City, Calif.-based Runco's $249,995 MBX-1 is really more like a mini-theater. For a quarter of a million dollars, the lucky buyer gets a three-chip digital projection system that has enough power to project to screens that are as large as 41 feet wide. There are comparable products available from other companies, but Runco's MBX-1 is the highest in terms of list prices. The trick is finding 41 feet of wall space. For more information, please visit www.runco.com |
sporočil: 389
Pa kaj je s temi bolniki, oni bi bolniške mize pa še televizijo bi
gledal. Pa sej so znorel.
sporočil: 389
A misliš tiste slike na stenah? Ne, tudi tiste naj bodo na žetone.
100 sit na uro, potem pa pride sestra in sliko vzame in jo nese v
drugo sobo in spet pokasira 100 sit. 10% je od sestre, ostalo pa
gre v sklad za magnetno resonanco.
Strani: 1