
Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine

Izbrana tema: Praga & nepremičnine

Strani: 1

schuft sporočil: 437
[#57998] 11.03.07 18:45
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: schuft 11.03.2007 18:46
Prices for Prague's nicest apartments and homes have risen since 2000 from a ceiling of around 100,000 koruny per square meter to 250,000 koruny. A two-bedroom apartment is typically around 100 square meters, or 1,075 square feet. Despite skyrocketing prices, supply isn't keeping up with the number of interested buyers. e-market.html

The market average for gross rental income was 7.7 percent in 2004, but with wisely chosen investment strategies, it's not hard to beat the market. Capital growth was around 12% last year (2004). This is expected to be around 8-10% in 2005 but it's possible to target high-growth areas and beat these estimates. buyers-czech-real-estate-faq

Tole so res mal stari podatki, ta teden bom poskusil dobit novejše, da logika še vedno drži pa lahko vidite tule: al-properties/sale/apartment-building-8804.html

7% znaša letni donos od najemnin. 1€ = cca 28 CZK. V razmislek tistim, ki v Ljubljani kupujejo nova stanovanja za naložbo.....

Strani: 1