
Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine

Izbrana tema: članek Naložbe v poslovne prostore v Bolgariji še mikajo vlagatelje

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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[#212909] 04.03.08 10:59
Odgovori   +    0

Bulgaria loses its allure for UK buyers

By Kerin Hope in Athens and Theodor Troev in Sofia

Published: February 8 2008 17:36 | Last updated: February 8 2008 17:36

British home buyers have disappeared from Bansko, a leading Bulgarian ski resort and until recently a “hot-spot” for people seeking moderately priced holiday properties.

Since the global credit crunch took hold, purchases by UK investors of Bulgarian properties priced between €45,000 ($65,000, £33,500) and €90,000 have fallen sharply, according to Sofia-based estate agents.

Commercial real estate ponavadi pride s casovnim zamikom.

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