
Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek Še bolj divji in hkrati obvladan audi RS3

Strani: 1

anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2937529] 30.06.21 19:25
Odgovori   +    4
Da ne bi bilo treba googlat naokoli, bi lahko dodali še en stavek:

Unlike Audi’s current rear axle differential and the previous multi-disc clutch package on the rear axle, the torque splitter uses one electronically controlled multiple-disc clutch on each driveshaft.
milos9 sporočil: 1.049
[#2937549] 30.06.21 20:12 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2937529)
Odgovori   +    1
Da ne bi bilo treba googlat naokoli, bi lahko dodali še en stavek:

Unlike Audi’s current rear axle differential and the previous multi-disc clutch package on the rear axle, the torque splitter uses one electronically controlled multiple-disc clutch on each driveshaft.

Strani: 1