
Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine

Izbrana tema: Kriza v Spaniji

Strani: 1

bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[#977747] 03.11.10 17:42 · odgovor na: anon-72566 (#977745)
Odgovori   +    4

Governments just don't get it. Capitalism needs bankruptcy to function, and politicians miss the point both coming and going.

On the debtor side, bankruptcy is necessary in respect to giving individuals a "fresh start." Otherwise, the chances of making a bad mistake, or simply getting hit by bad luck, are just too great. When a calculated risk becomes a life sentence in the event of failure, the dynamic business creation engine dies.

Similarly, when a large portion of the population are turned into post-boom serfs -- permanent servants to the banks -- their willingness to spend, to create, or to otherwise contribute economically beyond subsistence level simply disappears.

On the creditor side, the risk of bankruptcy is necessary to prevent moral hazard and discourage shoddy lending practices. Coddled creditors are dumb creditors. An investor who thinks there is no risk of losing his money is more likely to do something stupid with that money. This, in large part, is why the global financial crisis happened in the first place. On some level, the banksters expected to get bailed out. (It's worked every time thus far.)

Tale odsek pribiti na celo krizanicu in se marsikomu drugemu...
anon-72566 sporočil: 3.465
[#977755] 03.11.10 17:46 · odgovor na: bc123a (#977747)
Odgovori   +    5
tiho bodi!, da ne bos dobil kriminalistov, ki bodo iskali pornografski material. V tej drzavi res ne ves vec kje je logika.
> [bondy]
> www.taipanpublishing...404&r=Milo

Governments just don't get it. Capitalism needs bankruptcy to function, and politicians miss the point both coming and going.

On the debtor side, bankruptcy is necessary in respect to giving individuals a "fresh start." Otherwise, the chances of making a bad mistake, or simply getting hit by bad luck, are just too great. When a calculated risk becomes a life sentence in the event of failure, the dynamic business creation engine dies.

Similarly, when a large portion of the population are turned into post-boom serfs -- permanent servants to the banks -- their willingness to spend, to create, or to otherwise contribute economically beyond subsistence level simply disappears.

On the creditor side, the risk of bankruptcy is necessary to prevent moral hazard and discourage shoddy lending practices. Coddled creditors are dumb creditors. An investor who thinks there is no risk of losing his money is more likely to do something stupid with that money. This, in large part, is why the global financial crisis happened in the first place. On some level, the banksters expected to get bailed out. (It's worked every time thus far.)

Tale odsek pribiti na celo krizanicu in se marsikomu drugemu...

Strani: 1