Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: KRKG - Krka

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tommek sporočil: 558
[#2740388] 02.11.18 12:48 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2740383)
Odgovori   +    1
Ti se pa ja ne obremenjuješ z dnevnimi nihanji? :)
tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[#2740393] 02.11.18 13:03 · odgovor na: tommek (#2740388)
Odgovori   +    0
Ne. V bistvu me zanima, ce so kaksne nove informacije na to temo.
tommek sporočil: 558
[#2740398] 02.11.18 13:15 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2740393)
Odgovori   +    0
Kaj tocno zelis slisat?
tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[#2740500] 02.11.18 19:36 · odgovor na: (#2740405)
Odgovori   +    0
Kaj te je prepričalo v nakup?
tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[#2740546] 03.11.18 01:32 · odgovor na: (#2740544)
Odgovori   +    2
Imaš prav, avtopilot. Dolgočasno, ampak tudi to mora biti. ;)
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2743905] 22.11.18 13:52 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2740546)
Odgovori   +    0
čas vnosa: 22.11.18 13:09
Spodbuden tale avtopilot danes. Upoštevaje plan 2019 in dinamiko odkupov lastnih delnic pa še toliko bolj :)
tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[#2743915] 22.11.18 14:00 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2743905)
Odgovori   +    0
Ja, super. Predvsem to z odkupi. :)
IT2017a1 sporočil: 325
[#2746943] 10.12.18 13:05 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2743915)
Odgovori   +    0
Nikec3 sporočil: 1.203
[#2765294] 21.03.19 12:18 · odgovor na: IT2017a1 (#2746943)
Odgovori   +    2
Prvič bom za Krko rekel, da tile rezultati niso slabi.
poopmezajebava sporočil: 1.470
[#2765295] 21.03.19 12:20 · odgovor na: Nikec3 (#2765294)
Odgovori   +    4
Jaz pa čakam reksija, da pove, kako je kozarec vendarle na pol prazen. Saj vemo, da tega nima, in to, česar reksi nima, ni nič vredno.
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2765297] 21.03.19 12:27 · odgovor na: Nikec3 (#2765294)
Odgovori   +    2
Še dividenda prek 3 ojre, pa smo zmagali :)
tommek sporočil: 558
[#2765369] 21.03.19 14:45 · odgovor na: (#2765316)
Odgovori   +    0
Me res zanima ali se bo tečaj vsaj zdaj premaknil....
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2765372] 21.03.19 15:05 · odgovor na: tommek (#2765369)
Odgovori   +    0
Bo, skupaj z lastnimi odkupi delnic in kakšnim pozitivnim presenečenjem o višini letošnje dividende nekam med 60 in 65 pomoje :)

Za kaj več bo pa treba počakat, da PRC postane prihodkovno pomembnejši trg.
IgorBinder sporočil: 235
[#2765403] 21.03.19 18:07 · odgovor na: (#2765316)
Odgovori   +    0
P/E 10, nič dolga, 3€/delnico keša, zdrava rast. Poceni roba.

Edina žalost Ljubljanske boze je likvidnost. Res pa je cena predolgo stagnirala letos le 2,44% plusa in to po objavi odličnih rezultatov. Zato je čas da se letos kljub napovedim o pričetku krize cena vrne nad 60 EUR. Prvo čertletje 2019 kaže na to saj je prodaja zelo dobra. Ob dokupih lastnih delnic in novih predstavitvah Krke po Evropi in Ameriki bo ceno delnico dvignilo nad 60 EUR. Potem pa kot pravi Colarič meja je samo nebo...
anon-207617 sporočil: 6.899
[#2765408] 21.03.19 18:33 · odgovor na: IgorBinder (#2765403)
Odgovori   +    0
P/E 10, nič dolga, 3€/delnico keša, zdrava rast. Poceni roba.

Edina žalost Ljubljanske boze je likvidnost. Res pa je cena predolgo stagnirala letos le 2,44% plusa in to po objavi odličnih rezultatov. Zato je čas da se letos kljub napovedim o pričetku krize cena vrne nad 60 EUR. Prvo čertletje 2019 kaže na to saj je prodaja zelo dobra. Ob dokupih lastnih delnic in novih predstavitvah Krke po Evropi in Ameriki bo ceno delnico dvignilo nad 60 EUR. Potem pa kot pravi Colarič meja je samo nebo...
A to je un stric, ki jo je navduseno kupoval ko je stala nekaj cez 100 eur, in ji v 10 letih se kar ni uspelo priti k sebi?
IgorBinder sporočil: 235
[#2765416] 21.03.19 19:14 · odgovor na: anon-207617 (#2765408)
Odgovori   +    0
Ja ta je ta stric ki še vedno drži delnice, škoda da ga nisem poklical in mu povedal da naj proda tako kot jaz po 125 UER na vrhovih. To so bili lepi časi.
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2769118] 11.04.19 08:49 · odgovor na: (#2765311)
Odgovori   +    1
3.2 it is! Lepa :)
poopmezajebava sporočil: 1.470
[#2771695] 24.04.19 15:59 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2769118)
Odgovori   +    0
Če se je kdo spraševal, zakaj je Krka tako dobro poslovala v 2018 in si zastavil vprašanje, ali bo tudi v 2019 tako, spodaj odgovor. Konkreten primer, zakaj je dobro, da je Krka vertikalno integrirana. Čakamo le, da še kakšen večji vlagatelj naredi domačo nalogo.

Popular Heart Drugs Tainted by Carcinogens Face Wave of Lawsuits

By Anna Edney and Margaret Cronin Fisk
(Bloomberg) -- Dozens of lawsuits have been filed against
drug makers and sellers over widely prescribed generic heart
medications tainted with potential carcinogens, the first claims
in what some lawyers expect to be a wave of litigation.
Millions of Americans have taken the drugs, which are at
the center of a widening recall being overseen by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration, and have been for decades used to treat
high blood pressure, heart failure and other common conditions.
A lawyer involved in an effort to combine about 50
lawsuits, including at least 27 by patients who say they
contracted cancer by using the recalled medicine, told a U.S.
federal court he expects a surge of legal action.
“My best estimate sitting here today is I expect that we
will have approximately 2,000 personal-injury cases on file in
the next two years,” Daniel Nigh, who has filed 12 such lawsuits
so far, told judges at a conference in the U.S. District Court
in New Jersey last month, according to a transcript.
The FDA has been coordinating a recall of adulterated heart
medications since last July, when the carcinogen NDMA was
discovered in valsartan manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai
Pharmaceutical Co. The contaminated valsartan was sold to a
number of major drugmakers and used as an ingredient in other
popular cardiovascular therapies.
Zhejiang Huahai and its affiliates are the primary targets
of the lawsuits. Other companies named in the complaints include
generic-drug giants Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and
Mylan NV, as well as CVS Health Corp., which operates large
pharmacy and drug-benefit management businesses. Almost 40
defendants have been sued so far.
The FDA has said that the pills may have been contaminated
with NDMA for as long as four years before the problem was
found. The number of patients, if any, who developed cancer as a
result of taking valsartan is unknown.
Earlier this year, Bloomberg News reported wide-ranging
problems with testing data used to assure drugs’ safety and
effectiveness. Bloomberg found that FDA inspectors who'd
expressed concerns about data integrity at some manufacturing
facilities were at times overruled by senior officials at the
At a Zhejiang Huahai plant in Linhai that's at the center
of the recall, an FDA inspector determined that some of the
drugs produced there were substandard—14 months before the
agency took steps to facilitate the removal of valsartan and its
combinations from the U.S. market.
A spokeswoman for Zhejiang Huahai declined to comment.
Representatives for Teva, Mylan and CVS didn’t immediately
respond to requests for comment.
The FDA said last month it plans to revamp rules governing
how medicines are manufactured to ensure the safety of the
nation's drug supply, in response to what former Commissioner
Scott Gottlieb said were inadequate quality controls that have
led to “a lot of instances” of contaminated products.
“I expect that we will have approximately 2,000 personal-
injury cases on file in the next two years.”
Andres Rivero, an attorney for MSP Recovery, a Florida-
based claims recovery service, told judges at the New Jersey
hearing last month that his client represents insurers covering
73,311 people who took valsartan and that their claims were
worth more than $91 million. In 2018, 1.5 million people in the
U.S. took contaminated valsartan, said Nigh.
Other drugs that are similar to valsartan—losartan and
irbesartan—have also been recalled. It’s unclear if those drugs
will be included in the combined litigation, plaintiffs’ lawyers
told the court, because not as much is known about the degree of
contamination of those pills. Other carcinogens, NDEA and NMBA,
have been found in the drugs as well.
Zhejiang Huahai didn’t make all of the valsartan found to
be tainted, though carcinogen levels were highest in its drugs,
according to the FDA. The U.S. agency has said it’s looking into
how the chemicals could have been created during the
manufacturing process.
Proving the link between exposure to the contaminated
medication and the plaintiffs’ cancers may be difficult, Senior
U.S. District Judge Robert Kluger told the lawyers at the March
27 hearing.
“There’s a number of people who claim, I understand, that
they’ve contracted cancer from taking this drug,” Kluger said.
“It’s probably going to be a heavy lift to prove that, but you
know, we’ll see what happens.”
Read more: How a tainted heard drug made in China slipped
past the FDA
NDMA, which is also found in cured and grilled meat, has
long been known as a carcinogen. Plaintiffs’ lawyers said in the
complaints that the amount contained in valsartan was far above
accepted levels. Shortly after the recalls started in July, the
FDA said that it’s reasonably safe to consume up to 0.096
micrograms of NDMA a day. FDA test results released Oct. 5 found
NDMA levels in recalled valsartan ranging from 0.3 micrograms to
17 micrograms.
“Thus the pills contained somewhere between 3.1 and 177
times the level of NDMA deemed safe for human consumption,”
lawyers for plaintiff Priscilla Kleinman, who has esophageal
cancer, said in her lawsuit filed in February.
There is more NDMA in a single pill of valsartan than a
person could consume in a month, said plaintiffs’ attorney John
Boundas, who is reviewing medical records of dozens of potential
claimants. “One pill is the equivalent of 30 pounds of bacon,”
he said.
Shortly after it announced the start of the recall in July,
the FDA estimated that for every 8,000 people who took the
highest dose of valsartan, there would be one additional case of
In addition to the personal-injury cases, attorneys in the
federal-court cases in New Jersey are also proposing class
actions to cover economic losses, including allegations by
consumers and third-party payers such as health-insurance
companies that they spent millions of dollars for tainted drugs.
MSP Recovery is suing on behalf of health insurers
including New York Group Health Inc. and SummaCare Inc., an Ohio
provider, according to its lawsuit, filed in February. Greg
Hansel, an attorney for the Maine Automobile Dealers, told the
court the group has been in touch with “a number of larger
health insurers” that are “actively monitoring what’s
A separate class action was filed with the New Jersey court
on April 5 on behalf of patients who may not exhibit symptoms
until years from now. Those patients took contaminated valsartan
and may have sustained cellular damage, suffered genetic harm or
developed cancer but haven’t yet been diagnosed, according to
the complaint. The suit seeks to create a fund to finance
independent medical monitoring, including examinations and
preventive screening, and provide cancer treatment.
All the cases have been combined before Judge Kluger in
federal court in Camden in a so-called multidistrict litigation,
where he will oversee selection of plaintiffs’ leadership,
pretrial motions and evidence-gathering, as well as any initial
trials. The next hearing in those lawsuits is set for Wednesday.
Such litigation, known as MDLs, can include thousands of
claims, some of which would never pan out or even be brought if
filed separately, said law professor Carl Tobias of the
University of Richmond law school. As such, it can attract
weaker cases that piggyback on strong ones, he said.
“You can never tell with MDLs on the number of viable or
strong cases as opposed to the weak ones,” Tobias said.
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2771775] 25.04.19 07:56 · odgovor na: poopmezajebava (#2771695)
Odgovori   +    0
Čakamo le, da še kakšen večji vlagatelj naredi domačo nalogo.
Upam, da dočakamo :D
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2775575] 21.05.19 11:58 · odgovor na: anon-476752 (#2771843)
Odgovori   +    2
Pa kaj je spet s to Krko in gravitacijo? A se ne pričakuje za Q1 neke super duper rezultate?
kikach sporočil: 64
[#2775831] 22.05.19 09:50 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2775575)
Odgovori   +    0
Nakup delnice za okoli 57,5 EUR se vam zdi vredu poteza ali je bolje še počakat?
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2775856] 22.05.19 11:26 · odgovor na: kikach (#2775831)
Odgovori   +    3
Za jutri se pričakuje objava dobrih rezultatov predvsem kot posledica stabilnosti rublja v Q1. Na drugi strani pa vprašanje, kaj ti bo prineslo obdobje po izplačilu dividend in čas poletne suše na LJSE. Ne pozabi še na kak trumpizem, ki lahko prileti čez noč in zamaje marsikaj, ne samo krko.

Zdaj se pa odloči, čemu pripisuješ večjo težo :)
IgorBinder sporočil: 235
[#2776043] 23.05.19 09:45 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2775856)
Odgovori   +    2
Za jutri se pričakuje objava dobrih rezultatov predvsem kot posledica stabilnosti rublja v Q1. Na drugi strani pa vprašanje, kaj ti bo prineslo obdobje po izplačilu dividend in čas poletne suše na LJSE. Ne pozabi še na kak trumpizem, ki lahko prileti čez noč in zamaje marsikaj, ne samo krko.

Vse čestitke Krki, vsem zaposlenim in njenemu vodstvu.
Glede Trumpa, takoj na začetku po ne uspelih pogajanj z Kitajsko je izrekel, na koncu bodo zadovoljne " obe strani ".
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2776047] 23.05.19 10:08 · odgovor na: (#2776046)
Odgovori   +    4
Jup, agree glede rezultata. Sem pričakoval boost predvsem na račun rublja, je pa zelo konkretno poskočila tudi prodaja.

To bi moglo bit zdaj dovolj, da se vsaj za nekaj časa končno prebijemo čez magičnih 60 EUR :)
Nikec3 sporočil: 1.203
[#2776054] 23.05.19 10:46 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2776047)
Odgovori   +    1
Odlični rezultati. Še malo in bom vzel nazaj vse kar sem slabega rekel o Colariču. Morda bom prekršil tudi prvo pravilo svojega trgovanja, da nikoli ne kupuj Krke.
ljsefan sporočil: 803
[#2776210] 24.05.19 10:22 · odgovor na: Nikec3 (#2776054)
Odgovori   +    0
60 euriča smo preskočili, dobra dinamika se po poročanju Wood & Company nadaljuje tud v Q2: www.researchpool.com...cd-projekt
IgorBinder sporočil: 235
[#2776214] 24.05.19 10:27 · odgovor na: ljsefan (#2776210)
Odgovori   +    0
Sedaj do dividende vsaj 64,00 EUR....
tommek sporočil: 558
[#2776228] 24.05.19 11:27 · odgovor na: IgorBinder (#2776214)
Odgovori   +    1
Pozabljas, da je to Krka. Ljudje prodajajo na veliko, zakaj, se sam ne vem. In tecaj ne gre nikamor.

Upam pa, da se tvoje besede uresnicijo.
anon-403735 sporočil: 77
[#2776272] 24.05.19 13:48 · odgovor na: tommek (#2776228)
Odgovori   +    0
pomoje je na krki isti problem kot pri nlb.
algoti delajo arbitražo s poljsko borzo.
takoj ko se pri nas dvigne začnejo prodajati
poljske lote.

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