
Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine

Izbrana tema: French housing bubble set to burst

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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[#64050] 29.03.07 16:30
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: bc123a 29.03.2007 16:30 oney/2007/03/28/cnfrance28.xml

French property construction plummeted 15.1pc in February and home prices have begun to slip in the first sign that America's housing woes are spreading to Europe.

The surprise data came as the US Conference Board's confidence index fell sharply from 111.2 to 107.2, suggesting that housing troubles are starting to unnerve American consumers.

French house prices have shot up by 210pc since 1995, compared with 190pc in the US, much to the delight of 180,000 Britons with second homes across La Manche. But after years of double-digit gains the pace slowed to 7.2pc last year and turned negative in January with a fall of 0.6pc.

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