Izbrani forum: Glavni forum
Izbrana tema: članek Kdo se bo pridružil BSH Hišnim aparatom in Atlantic Drogi Kolinski
Strani: 1
sporočil: 126
ESG je out, čisto zapravljanje virov in denarja:
ESG and Net Zero has been one of the biggest scams. A movement based on self claimed intentions that utterly denied the harmful results
Today, Morgan Stanley says goodbye. Earlier this week, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America announced they had left. And Goldman Sachs Group and Wells Fargo quit in December
Elon Musk: ESG is a corrupted lie.
Blackrock will be laying off 600 employees, mostly from the ESG division.
• ESG global investments collapsed by $5 trillion in just 2 years.
Full dober opis ESG:
Designed and regulated by elites and bureaucrats, the ESGs are very bad for poor people, the middle class, society, and the environment.
ESG and Net Zero has been one of the biggest scams. A movement based on self claimed intentions that utterly denied the harmful results
Today, Morgan Stanley says goodbye. Earlier this week, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America announced they had left. And Goldman Sachs Group and Wells Fargo quit in December
Elon Musk: ESG is a corrupted lie.
Blackrock will be laying off 600 employees, mostly from the ESG division.
• ESG global investments collapsed by $5 trillion in just 2 years.
Full dober opis ESG:
Designed and regulated by elites and bureaucrats, the ESGs are very bad for poor people, the middle class, society, and the environment.
sporočil: 1.839
[LjubiteljCO2]Ja, pot v pekel je tlakovana z dobrimi nameni..
ESG je out, čisto zapravljanje virov in denarja:
ESG and Net Zero has been one of the biggest scams. A movement based on self claimed intentions that utterly denied the harmful results
Today, Morgan Stanley says goodbye. Earlier this week, Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America announced they had left. And Goldman Sachs Group and Wells Fargo quit in December
Elon Musk: ESG is a corrupted lie.
Blackrock will be laying off 600 employees, mostly from the ESG division.
• ESG global investments collapsed by $5 trillion in just 2 years.
Full dober opis ESG:
Designed and regulated by elites and bureaucrats, the ESGs are very bad for poor people, the middle class, society, and the environment.
ESG je sicer res birojkracijski monstrum , ki nima skoraj nobene dodane vrednosti, ampak mogoče lahko dobiš dobre subvencije ;)
Strani: 1