Strani: 1

bigl sporočil: 18.363
[#3005960] 09.09.22 10:12
Odgovori   +    3
No, Dostojevski pravi, ko zapiše, da je realnost veliko bolj fantastična kot vsaka znanstvena fantastika. Dajmo reči po domače tej znanstveni fantastiki, domišljija. Lep dan.
crt sporočil: 27.194
[#3012170] 01.12.22 09:35
Odgovori   +    0
Only five people showed up Tuesday evening to a party hosted by the European Commission’s foreign aid department in the metaverse to get young people excited about the EU.

Apparently only a few of the 44 people who liked the official trailer were intrigued enough by the avatars dancing to house music on a tropical island to actually join the party.

Strani: 1