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aimon sporočil: 1.924
[#2913535] 16.03.21 12:25
Odgovori   +    4
Hibridni avtomobili imajo več prednosti, kot popolnoma električni avtomobili. Na Quora Digest so pisali o hibridnih avtomobilih (kot so nekateri modeli Toyote) in tudi o avtomobilih Tesla.

"Do you think Toyota is correct and EVs are just a "bit player"?
Yes. Toyota is correct right now and for about another 5–20 years. Why the massive range? Because for the past 20 years everybody has been desperately trying to predict the singularly and one of its heralds is fully autonomous electric vehicles. Since Tesla became a household name, everybody has been asking “when” not “if” Tesla investing is about getting rich (which comes with a huge risk). Toyota will weather the storm. Saying that they think that EVs are niche misses the point he was making. They are niche TODAY because we haven’t reached that cost-benefit exchange tips in favor of the economics of EVs. He’s saying that the time isn’t right and that legislation on banning combustion vehicles is foolish and mostly superficial as EVs are causing a lot of pollution and at costs most people cannot yet afford."

Povsem električni avtomobili se bodo vedno težje prodajali, ker bo premalo kupcev.
sonce1313 sporočil: 376
[#2913830] 17.03.21 11:19
Odgovori   +    0
zarečenega kruha se res največ poje, še en dinozaver, sicer s hibridi prvi in zelo napreden, bi delal BEV. A ni direktor še pred kratkim razlagal, da bo zaradi BEV menda konec sveta

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