Strani: 1

FIN-454644 sporočil: 10.890
[#2769097] 11.04.19 07:24
Odgovori   +    8
Nocne seje, trajni mandat za Junckerja, da ne bi zmagala volja volilcev. Ce to ni Juga pred razpadom pa nic nocem. Bojijo se volje volilcev. In bi se sami med sabo dogovarjali, kdo bo vladal. Diktatura. Naj UK gre, da ne bo motil nase absolutne vladavine. Samo power struggle tistih, ki so itak na odhodu, pa raje ne bi sli.
crt sporočil: 27.191
[#2769098] 11.04.19 07:25
Odgovori   +    3
0126Bacis sporočil: 3.029
[#2769364] 12.04.19 07:40
Odgovori   +    0
Spodnje je poslala kreditna kartica Revolut svojim strankam:

You're probably Reesly sick of hearing about Brexit by now. We understand. It's all very Merkely and confusing.

We're sorry to Boris you with more Brexit stuff, but please don't send this email to your Juncker folder. We have an important message you May want to hear.

For now, all our politicians have stopped having a Barnier about what deal to sign. This is good news. It means that you'll stay as part of our UK entity for the foreseeable future, and that you don’t need to do anything on your side for now. There's a Chancellor this will change in the future, but we will keep you up to date as developments continue.

We suggest that you celebrate by using your Revolut card to go out and buy a sweet treat. Maybe a strawberry Macron.

;=)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))

Strani: 1