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Izbrana tema: članek (intervju) Ko sem leta 2005 napovedal, da nas bo Elon Musk spravil na Mars, so me imeli za norega
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18 September 2018, www.bbc.com/news/sci...t-45550755
Elon Musk's company SpaceX has unveiled the first private passenger it plans to fly around the Moon.
Japanese billionaire and online fashion tycoon Yusaku Maezawa, 42, announced: "I choose to go to the Moon."
The mission is planned for 2023, and would be the first lunar journey by humans since 1972.
But it is reliant on a rocket that has not been built yet, and Mr Musk cautioned: "It's not 100% certain we can bring this to flight."
The announcement was made at SpaceX's headquarters in Hawthorne, California, on Tuesday.
Toda pozor, ena podrobnost
In 2017, Mr Musk announced that he would be sending two paying passengers on a loop around the Moon - which was to have launched as early as this year.(op. torej konec 2018)
At the time, SpaceX was to have used its heavy-lift Falcon Heavy rocket and the crewed version of the existing Dragon capsule.
But in February this year, Mr Musk said SpaceX would concentrate on the BFR for future crewed missions.
Da ne bo to nekaj podobnega kot njegov hyperloop. Menda bo začel delovati v kratkem v LA. hakelc je le v tem, da to ne bo napovedan hyperloop, ampak električni avtomobil. je moj sin, gradbenik, dejal da je Musk izumil predor. Ustanovil je namreč firmo za vrtanje predorov. Dela sicer z standardno opremo, vendar vrta veliko učinkoviteje kot firme z mnogimi refrencami. Verjami kdor zmore.
Musk dobro razume gibanje sveta, ekonomika pa je tista zadnja zadnja instanca, ki ti v kapitalizmu da končno potrditev, ali si zares pravi poti. In mnogokrat je ta zadnja stopnica nepremostljiva za inventorja (in partnerje).
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