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ogo sporočil: 3.087
[#2708425] 19.04.18 21:52
Odgovori   +    1
Bodo pa pili kokakolo. Voda še za v čevelj ni dobra.
bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[#2708435] 20.04.18 07:03
Odgovori   +    9
Tak lep zgledni socializem tipa "dejmo stisn't".

Nihce pa ne omenja, da je Cape Town zavrnil ponudbo Izraela, da bi na podlagi svojih obseznih izkusenj pomagal prepreciti to krizo. Ker oni pac drzijo s Palestinci.

Najbolj smesno je, da Palestinci lepo sprejemajo pomoc izraela glede vode :))

Tale clanek pa je dostopen

Cape Town has been aware of this threat for some time – and they also had an easily accessible solution. Israel is a country which achieved the scientific know-how to make its desert bloom, its minimal water supply to suffice for its needs, and the desalination of seawater for everyday purposes a reality. Israel has learned how to recycle about 85 percent of its water and has achieved what many considered impossible: making water readily accessible to all of its inhabitants. As soon as Israel became aware of Cape Town’s water problem, without any hesitancy it volunteered assistance, making clear their ability and willingness to help.

Former Israeli Ambassador to South Africa Arthur Lenk, current Ambassador Lior Keinan, and Israel’s economic attaches to South Africa all made repeated overtures to the relevant bodies to assist with the Cape Town water crisis. Scientists were prepared to share their knowledge. Volunteers were ready to come to implement them. Organizations were ready to help in the planning and even in the financing for what was required to prevent Day Zero from becoming a reality.

But the governing body of Cape Town sides with the Palestinians. That makes Israelis the enemy. And that allowed hatred to trump sanity and enmity to prefer calamity over offered salvation.
dz1975 sporočil: 2.264
[#2708547] 20.04.18 20:23
Odgovori   +    0
Ko avtorica že ravno omenja Kalifornijo: leta 2015, v času “suše” je zvezna oblast zahtevala razlitje 33 milijonov kubičnih metrov vode, da je 29 (!) postrvi lahko prišlo iz zgornjega toka reke Stanislaus proti morju. In takih primerov je bilo v zadnjih par letih v Kaliforniji ogromno; stotine milijonov kubičnih metrov vode je šlo direktno iz rezervoarjev v morje, namesto da bi jih usmerili v mesta in na poljedelske površine.
Nor v San Franciscu so za zaščito neavtohotne ribje vrste v šestih letih porabili 5.3 milijarde kubičnih metrov vode!

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