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anon-396303 sporočil: 5
[#2601563] 15.06.16 11:23
Odgovori   +    3
čas vnosa: 15.06.16 11:20
Spet ena plačana zadeva. Število zaposlenih po bilanci 2015 je 162, na spletni strani ELITE Londonske borze ( piše

2 – Number of employees when the company began operations in 1977. It now has 255
"At the end of 2015, Plastika Skaza employed 255 people," Ana (Laura Rednak op. moja malenkost) says. "By 2020, our workforce will have grown to 350. With the help of our associates, our target is to grow the business." The goal is to make Plastika Skaza a household name, its products ubiquitous across Slovenia and the rest of Europe. "We are already collaborating closely with young innovators, filling up our bank of ideas with all their creative ideas and working with them to turn those ideas into real products and launch them on the global market."

Skratka, ta zadeva, pa magari v okviru Londonske borze, deluje bolj po načelu "rekla - kazala" in očitno manj po bilancah, v program pa se prijaviš sam:

ELITE was first launched in Italy in April 2012 at Borsa Italiana and following on from their success ELITE launched here in the UK in April 2014, ...
... The programme welcomes a new group of companies every six months and we are now accepting applications for the next intake to join, if you are keen to find out more about applying or would like to make a nomination please contact us.

To se pravi, da je članek zavajujoč, ker piše, da Angleži iščejo in vabijo: "LSE sicer proaktivno išče podjetja, ki jim pomaga z mreženjem, njihova dolgoročna prihodnost pa bi bila lahko tudi kotacija. Aprila so v program ELITE povabili ..."

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