
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Zlato ni za vlagatelje rahlih živcev

Strani: 1

tilenrexi sporočil: 6.775
[#2466948] 22.10.14 22:44
Odgovori   +    3
As for its merit as an investment, Buffett observes the following:

The cube of gold will produce nothing in the next hundred years (or, for that matter, thousands of years).
The cube of gold will not pay you interest or dividends, and it won't grow earnings.
You can fondle the cube, but it won't respond.

If you had $10 trillion sitting around, Buffett further observes, instead of buying the cube of gold, you could buy all the cropland in America ($400 billion-worth) and 16 Exxon-Mobils. And you would still have $1 trillion of "walking-around money."

Over the next hundred years, your cropland and Exxon-Mobils would produce trillions of dollars of dividends (the size of which would be adjusted for inflation), and you would still have them at the end of the century, at which point you could probably sell them for vastly more than the $9 trillion you bought them for.

So, which investment would you choose?
sirota sporočil: 1.047
[#2467017] 23.10.14 10:17
Odgovori   +    2
Katere krize, katerega leta?

Zlato, precej mistična zadeva?!
BOY008 sporočil: 596
[#2469274] 31.10.14 12:48
Odgovori   +    0
Zlato naj služi, za zaščito premoženja. Vedno bo likvidno, ob takšnih in drugačnih krizah.

Strani: 1