
Izbrani forum: Avto

Izbrana tema: članek PSA v novi motor vložil skoraj 900 milijonov evrov

Strani: 1

0513ANITO sporočil: 10.844
[#2257830] 30.10.13 15:18 · odgovor na: (#2257790)
Odgovori   +    1
No replacement for displacement. AMEN
0513ANITO sporočil: 10.844
[#2257954] 30.10.13 17:31 · odgovor na: (#2257854)
Odgovori   +    0
beri tole...

The German product is pricier, however. Neither company reveals the cost to manufacture one of its engines, but over a dealership parts counter, a Chevy LS3 costs about $6900, and the AMG V-8 costs a whopping $56,000. Clearly, its enormous production volume helps hold down the cost of the Chevy engine. But even the LS7 from the Corvette Z06, which has an extra 800cc and a higher state of tune to match the AMG’s output, and bristles with limited-production parts, costs about 40 grand less to buy. This cost advantage and the addition of technology such as two-stage intake manifolds and variable-valve-timing systems [see Tech Highlight, page 70] will likely keep pushrod engines viable for years to come.

Evropejčki pa nazaj na podlitrske motorje.

Novi corvette v normalni vožnji lepo izklaplja pol valjev in poraba na relaciji je 30 mpg.
Jaz to vem, ampak vseeno hvala, da si tudi ostale forumaše opomnil, da Amerigosi niso kar tako. Imajo svojo filozofijo....

Strani: 1