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P46000 sporočil: 299
[#2672947] 14.09.17 10:56
Odgovori   +    1
> Ker Apple pač mora biti drugačen, je po vhodu za slušalke na svojem zastavonoši v pokoj poslal še bralnik prstnih odtisov (modela iPhone 8 ga še imata).
O tem se govori že več kot dva meseca in to ni bila izbira, temveč nuja, ker pač TouchID-ja niso želeli premakniti na zadnjo stran (ker na prednji ga pač ne more biti)

Glej npr.:

"We predict the OLED model won’t support fingerprint recognition, reasons being: (1) the full-screen design doesn’t work with existing capacitive fingerprint recognition, and (2) the scan-through ability of the under-display fingerprint solution still has technical challenges, including: (i) requirement for a more complex panel pixel design; (ii) disappointing scan-through of OLED panel despite it being thinner than LCD panel; and (iii) weakened scan-through performance due to overlayered panel module. As the new OLED iPhone won’t support under-display fingerprint recognition, we now do not expect production ramp-up will be delayed again (we previously projected the ramp-up would be postponed to late October or later)."


“‘Checks also suggest that Apple has decided to remove the fingerprint option from the OLED model and instead stick with facial recognition,’ writes Hosseini,” Ray reports. “‘According to our checks, this is a design issue that has to do with the controller design at Apple,’ Hosseini adds].”

Ray reports, “It’s not entirely clear from Hosseini’s note if he means that Apple will remove ‘Touch ID’ entirely from the iPhone, or if he’s presuming Apple will find a place for Touch ID other than under the screen.”
gorans sporočil: 652
[#2673047] 14.09.17 15:47
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: gorans 14.09.2017 15:51
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