Strani: 1

alpha7B5sn sporočil: 1.167
[#3058778] 10:01
Odgovori   +    0
Tale dogodek mi je zelo zanimiv zato, ker je dva dni nazaj nekdo na X objavil opozorilo, brez morebitnih časovnih informacij, da naj se javnost izogiba potovanju z letali. (Približno tako.)
LjubiteljCO2 sporočil: 133
[#3058798] 19:41
Odgovori   +    2
Heathrow je dizel agregate zamenjal z "Net-Zero" biomasnimi ;=)))

1 minuta:


How did the Heathrow fire start? Everything we know so far
Daniel Martin
7–9 minut
Heathrow is facing accusations that it was forced to shut down because it replaced its diesel generator with a net zero-compliant biomass alternative.
More than 1,300 flights to and from the UK’s busiest airport were cancelled or turned away after it was forced to close following a fire that knocked out a electricity substation.
Richard Tice, the deputy leader of Reform UK, said he had been told by an industry expert that the airport changed its back-up systems from a diesel generator to an environmentally friendly biomass version.

Strani: 1