
Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: turška borza

Strani: 1

anon-30799 sporočil: 9
[#73355] 30.04.07 09:46
Odgovori   +    0

    Nikakor ne morem najti turške borze "biqpara" ali nekaj podobnega.
    Hvala za pomoč.
crt sporočil: 27.708
[#73359] 30.04.07 09:56 · odgovor na: anon-30799 (#73355)
Odgovori   +    0 - baje je server / domena svojcas bila aktivna, vendar trenutno ni dosegljiva.
anon-30799 sporočil: 9
[#73362] 30.04.07 10:01 · odgovor na: crt (#73359)
Odgovori   +    0

    Še enkrat hvala
anon-89 sporočil: 10.178
[#73366] 30.04.07 10:11 · odgovor na: anon-30799 (#73355)
Odgovori   +    0
mogoče državni udar?:)
crt sporočil: 27.708
[#73381] 30.04.07 10:54 · odgovor na: anon-89 (#73366)
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: crt 30.04.2007 10:56

Bob je napisal(a):
mogoče državni udar?:)

Turkey's lira headed for its biggest drop in 11 months and bonds and stocks also slumped after the military threatened to block the government's presidential candidate because of his Islamist past. sid=avqWN7nGYP90&refer=home

najbol smesni del je tale:

"We're seeing a reaction from foreign investors because they weren't expecting anything like this.''

spomin ko zlata ribica...
anon-89 sporočil: 10.178
[#73399] 30.04.07 11:27 · odgovor na: crt (#73381)
Odgovori   +    0

crt je napisal(a):

Turkey's lira headed for its biggest drop in 11 months and bonds and stocks also slumped after the military threatened to block the government's presidential candidate because of his Islamist past. sid=avqWN7nGYP90&refer=home

najbol smesni del je tale:

"We're seeing a reaction from foreign investors because they weren't expecting anything like this.''

spomin ko zlata ribica...

mogoče bi bolj ustrezalo, spomin kot mp&co.:)
anon-89 sporočil: 10.178
[#73403] 30.04.07 11:32 · odgovor na: crt (#73381)
Odgovori   +    0

crt je napisal(a):

Turkey's lira headed for its biggest drop in 11 months and bonds and stocks also slumped after the military threatened to block the government's presidential candidate because of his Islamist past. sid=avqWN7nGYP90&refer=home

najbol smesni del je tale:

"We're seeing a reaction from foreign investors because they weren't expecting anything like this.''

spomin ko zlata ribica...

je pa res, da je sedaj turčija še bolj perspektivna, ob morebitnem uspelem državnem udaru pa bo še bolj.
anon-93953 sporočil: 84
[#73421] 30.04.07 12:57 · odgovor na: anon-89 (#73403)
Odgovori   +    0
Balkan pač... sledi še Kosovo in Makedonija...
bc123a sporočil: 48.253
[#73496] 30.04.07 20:17 · odgovor na: crt (#73381)
Odgovori   +    0

crt je napisal(a):

Turkey's lira headed for its biggest drop in 11 months and bonds and stocks also slumped after the military threatened to block the government's presidential candidate because of his Islamist past. sid=avqWN7nGYP90&refer=home

najbol smesni del je tale:

"We're seeing a reaction from foreign investors because they weren't expecting anything like this.''

spomin ko zlata ribica...

Kaj so pa pricakovali, premik v islamizacijo?

(reakcija vojske je najboljsi pokazatelj, da se v bistvu nic ni spremenilo, kar je za turcijo glede na zgodovino dobro :)

Strani: 1