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Izbrana tema: članek Kako bo EU financirala fracking plinske projekte v ZDA
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Evropa hoče stran od ruskega plina, alternativa je ameriški plin. To že kaže na vsaj poskus dogovora med EU in Trumpom o povečanju uvoza ameriškega plina, s čimer bi morda rešili tudi del trgovinske vojne. Kaže tudi na evropska vlaganja v ameriške projekte.Kako je lahko ta plin cenejši kot pa tisti, ki pride po plinovodu?
MEdtem pa Bild:
sporočil: 3.955
Ta zblojena EU zganja histerijo razogljičenja in podnebni fanatiki
iz Bruslja posiljujejo ljudi s temi norostmi, da se ljudem gor
postavi tako ali drugače.
Končno pa gredo tudi čez vse razumne meje in preko realnosti.
Pred leti sem poslušal naše in tuje strokovnjake, ki so povedali, da elektro omrežje prenese okrog 25 % električnih vozil.
V Bruslju pa še vedno sanjajo, da bi bila vsa.
In potem se še politiki čudijo, će se pojavijo skrajne stranke, ki sploh niso tako skrajne, kot jih nasprotniki hočejo predstaviti.
Politiki pa z vsemi norostmi zmečejo ogromne milijarde v nesmiselne projekte.
Kot, da EU že ne dela dovolj norosti je sedaj še ena najhujših norost, da brezglavo podpirajo Kokainskega in obračajo hrbet Trumpu.
Ubogi prebivalci EU pa vse to mastno plačajo !!!
Končno pa gredo tudi čez vse razumne meje in preko realnosti.
Pred leti sem poslušal naše in tuje strokovnjake, ki so povedali, da elektro omrežje prenese okrog 25 % električnih vozil.
V Bruslju pa še vedno sanjajo, da bi bila vsa.
In potem se še politiki čudijo, će se pojavijo skrajne stranke, ki sploh niso tako skrajne, kot jih nasprotniki hočejo predstaviti.
Politiki pa z vsemi norostmi zmečejo ogromne milijarde v nesmiselne projekte.
Kot, da EU že ne dela dovolj norosti je sedaj še ena najhujših norost, da brezglavo podpirajo Kokainskega in obračajo hrbet Trumpu.
Ubogi prebivalci EU pa vse to mastno plačajo !!!
sporočil: 128
Frackali bi lahko tudi v Evropi.
Samo zelene teroriste je treba utišati!
According to the available data, the European Union has significant natural gas reserves and resources:
## EU Natural Gas Reserves and Resources
**Reserves:** The EU has approximately 694 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas reserves[2].
**Resources:** The EU's total recoverable economical resources of natural gas amount to about 2,220 bcm[2].
## Key Points
- **Combined Potential:** When considering both reserves and resources, the EU has access to approximately 2,914 bcm of natural gas.
- **Production Sustainability:** With the known reserves, the EU could potentially maintain current production levels for 15-30 years[2].
- **Largest Reserve Holders:** Within the EU, the countries with the most significant natural gas reserves are:
1. Netherlands: 174 bcm
2. Romania: 147 bcm
3. Poland: 107 bcm[2]
- **Unexplored Potential:** Some EU countries, such as Cyprus, have no current reserves but significant potential resources (372 bcm for Cyprus)[2].
It's important to note that these figures represent the natural gas lying under EU territory. The EU's energy strategy also considers imports and storage capacities to ensure energy security. As of January 1, 2025, the EU's gas storage volume stood at 824.02 terawatt hours (TWh), which was approximately 71.8% of its total storage capacity[5].
[1] energy.ec.europa.eu/...4-11-29_en
[2] iogpeurope.org/europ...-reserves/
[3] www.aa.com.tr/en/ene...-50-/47420
[4] energy.ec.europa.eu/...4-10-31_en
[5] www.statista.com/sta...ean-union/
[6] www.spglobal.com/com...evelopment
[7] www.reuters.com/busi...025-01-22/
[8] www.entsog.eu/sites/...erview.pdf
[9] www.euronews.com/my-...n-supplies
[10] www.bruegel.org/blog...-shortfall
[11] www.bloomberg.com/ne...ge-targets
[12] www.reuters.com/busi...025-02-10/
[13] www.iea.org/news/glo...ght-supply
[14] energien-speichern.d...apacities/
[15] www.iea.org/commenta...-of-living
[16] www.spglobal.com/com...rget-looms
[17] www.consilium.europa...-capacity/
[18] think.ing.com/articl...surprises/
Answer from Perplexity: pplx.ai/share
Samo zelene teroriste je treba utišati!
According to the available data, the European Union has significant natural gas reserves and resources:
## EU Natural Gas Reserves and Resources
**Reserves:** The EU has approximately 694 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas reserves[2].
**Resources:** The EU's total recoverable economical resources of natural gas amount to about 2,220 bcm[2].
## Key Points
- **Combined Potential:** When considering both reserves and resources, the EU has access to approximately 2,914 bcm of natural gas.
- **Production Sustainability:** With the known reserves, the EU could potentially maintain current production levels for 15-30 years[2].
- **Largest Reserve Holders:** Within the EU, the countries with the most significant natural gas reserves are:
1. Netherlands: 174 bcm
2. Romania: 147 bcm
3. Poland: 107 bcm[2]
- **Unexplored Potential:** Some EU countries, such as Cyprus, have no current reserves but significant potential resources (372 bcm for Cyprus)[2].
It's important to note that these figures represent the natural gas lying under EU territory. The EU's energy strategy also considers imports and storage capacities to ensure energy security. As of January 1, 2025, the EU's gas storage volume stood at 824.02 terawatt hours (TWh), which was approximately 71.8% of its total storage capacity[5].
[1] energy.ec.europa.eu/...4-11-29_en
[2] iogpeurope.org/europ...-reserves/
[3] www.aa.com.tr/en/ene...-50-/47420
[4] energy.ec.europa.eu/...4-10-31_en
[5] www.statista.com/sta...ean-union/
[6] www.spglobal.com/com...evelopment
[7] www.reuters.com/busi...025-01-22/
[8] www.entsog.eu/sites/...erview.pdf
[9] www.euronews.com/my-...n-supplies
[10] www.bruegel.org/blog...-shortfall
[11] www.bloomberg.com/ne...ge-targets
[12] www.reuters.com/busi...025-02-10/
[13] www.iea.org/news/glo...ght-supply
[14] energien-speichern.d...apacities/
[15] www.iea.org/commenta...-of-living
[16] www.spglobal.com/com...rget-looms
[17] www.consilium.europa...-capacity/
[18] think.ing.com/articl...surprises/
Answer from Perplexity: pplx.ai/share
sporočil: 128
Odlična razlaga frackinga!
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Strani: 1