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anon-485444 sporočil: 1.924
[#3010214] 02.11.22 02:25
Odgovori   +    3
Climate Change Defies Alarmists’ Arguments: (October 5, 2022)

For instance, the U.N. has said the global temperature could increase over a range from 4.5 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius some time between 2081 to 2100. It has also said sea levels could rise 2 meters by 2100. Neither is possible, says H. Sterling Burnett, director of the Heartland Institute’s climate and environment center. Not only are these worst - case - scenario estimates that will never unfold, the disasters predicted are far into the future, meaning the numbers so easily tossed around are useful for only one thing: scaring the public and ramming through expensive and worthless green legislation.

Despite the assurances from the fanatics that we’re heading into, or are already in, a crisis in which the climate abruptly shifts, even their ugliest fever dreams can’t compare to what happened in 536 AD. Don’t expect the facts don’t stop, or even slow, the march of the warming zealots. They will continue to say we are in or close to unprecedented change that will result in catastrophe, and will accept no other explanations for a global temperature increase … other than anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
Froc sporočil: 2.033
[#3010217] 02.11.22 08:21
Odgovori   +    2
Mnogo porabljenega denarja za ? .
0126Bacis sporočil: 3.117
[#3010220] 02.11.22 09:40
Odgovori   +    0
Kako naj v občinah zmanjšajo ogljični odtis?
Takole ga porinete Zamorčkom:
Poglej vsaj slike pridobivanja litija, bakra:

Kje so zanimive rudnine:
FIN-467473 sporočil: 2.181
[#3038817] 27.03.24 00:48
Odgovori   +    0
Pa bo spet Mega miljonar na osnovi ogličih kuponov tudi pri nas spet zaslužil.Kam gre ta v privatne roke denar-v investicije za kao brezoglično državo.V hranilnike elektro energije I:T.D.Pa spet služijo kriptomiljonarji in miljonarji na osnovi ogljika,žal od tega reveži razen večjih računov nimamo nič.

Strani: 1