
Strani: 1

crt sporočil: 27.349
[#3005226] 31.08.22 16:01
Odgovori   +    1
Baristinja v omenjeni kavarni pa je dodala: "Da, vse je dražje, a nočem biti jezna. Nikogar ne krivim
neprimerna za slovenko, kar tam naj ostane :P
VBMS sporočil: 515
[#3005275] 01.09.22 11:21
Odgovori   +    1
Zadnja sprememba: VBMS 01.09.2022 11:21
Dajmo si že priznati - daeč največja težava za EU so sankcije proti Rusiji - cene energentov so vse ostale dobrine pognale v nebo. Medtem pa s pečatom demokracije kupujemo nekajkrat dražji ruski plin od Kitajcev in nekajkrat dražjo rusko nafto od demokratične Savdske Arabije.

Medtem pa spremljamo še takšne izjave, kot je ta nemške zunanje ministrice - pomoč Ukrajini, "ne glede na to kaj si volilci mislijo".
“If I give the promise to people in Ukraine – ‘We stand with you, as long as you need us’ – then I want to deliver. No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine,” Baerbock said at one point.

“I have to be clear that this holds on as long as Ukraine needs me,” she said, referring to the EU embargo against Russia.

“We are facing now wintertime, when we will be challenged as democratic politicians. People will go in the street and say ‘We cannot pay our energy prices’. And I will say ‘Yes I know, so we help you with social measures.’ But I don’t want to say ‘Ok then we stop the sanctions against Russia.’ We will stand with Ukraine, and this means the sanctions will stay also in wintertime, even if it gets really tough for politicians,”
1011Arist sporočil: 1.054
[#3005277] 01.09.22 11:46 · odgovor na: VBMS (#3005275)
Odgovori   +    1
Dajmo si že priznati - daeč največja težava za EU so sankcije proti Rusiji - cene energentov so vse ostale dobrine pognale v nebo. Medtem pa s pečatom demokracije kupujemo nekajkrat dražji ruski plin od Kitajcev in nekajkrat dražjo rusko nafto od demokratične Savdske Arabije.

Medtem pa spremljamo še takšne izjave, kot je ta nemške zunanje ministrice - pomoč Ukrajini, "ne glede na to kaj si volilci mislijo".
“If I give the promise to people in Ukraine – ‘We stand with you, as long as you need us’ – then I want to deliver. No matter what my German voters think, but I want to deliver to the people of Ukraine,” Baerbock said at one point.

“I have to be clear that this holds on as long as Ukraine needs me,” she said, referring to the EU embargo against Russia.

“We are facing now wintertime, when we will be challenged as democratic politicians. People will go in the street and say ‘We cannot pay our energy prices’. And I will say ‘Yes I know, so we help you with social measures.’ But I don’t want to say ‘Ok then we stop the sanctions against Russia.’ We will stand with Ukraine, and this means the sanctions will stay also in wintertime, even if it gets really tough for politicians,”

To smotano ženšče je v svoji nesposobnosti pozabilo, kdo jo je izvolil.
Ona ima mandat za urejane življenja prebivalcev Nemčije in jih zavestno potiska v bedo v "imenu nekih vipjih ciljev".
Mogoče bi morala pogledati posnetek Ceusecuja iz leta 91, kako končajo take ideje

Strani: 1