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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2964420] 07.10.21 22:33 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2962138)
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Spet malo o Teslovi fabriki na mestu poraziranega gozda vzhodno od Berlina, ki naj bi zdaj zdaj dobila tudi zadnji, dokončni uraden okoljski žegen za izgradnjo. Medtem Reuters poroča, da je Tesla dobil dovoljenje oblasti za organizacijo svoje giga-fešte z do 9.000 udeleženci, čeprav v Nemčiji za prireditve in shode zdaj menda velja epidemična omejitev na 5.000 oseb. Na tej fešti naj bi se pojavil tudi sam polbog Elon höchstpersönlich.
Despite pandemic-related curbs limiting gatherings in Germany to under 5,000 people, Tesla applied for - and got - a permit to have 9,000 at the Oct. 9 ‘Giga-Fest’, after local authorities agreed the event would be COVID safe.
Coming on the heels of officials allowing the company to break ground on its new site before final approval had even been granted, environmental groups say this is just the latest example of Tesla being given too much leeway to act disruptively in Germany - a pattern they worry will continue.
The country’s powerful unions are already gearing up to fight for German-style contracts for Tesla workers, environmental groups are poised to oppose any further expansion plans, and locals wary of Musk’s ‘American’ ways are watching the firm’s every move.
Musk has already experienced German union power. When Tesla bought German car parts supplier Grohmann Automation in 2017, it set wages 30% below average, refusing to match collectively bargained pay.
After the firm offered one-off bonuses and stock options instead, unions dropped a threat to strike. Unions say stock options have also been mooted at the Brandenburg factory.
Mene ne čudi, da je vrsta "zelenih" Nemcev proti tej fabriki, ker oni lieben zeleno. Ne čudi, da precej drugih Nemcev, na primer sindikalistov, hoče, da Tesla deluje "their way", ker oni ljubijo stabilnost služb. Itn.

Ne čudi tudi, da je Tesla jako zagret za svojo nemško fabriko, ker on jako liebt dobro prodajo in Nemčija je velik in bogat trg, mejd in đermani pa ugledna titula. Ne čudi niti, da Reuters hkrati omenja domnevno majhno zanimanje vaterlandske delovne sile za arbeit v Teslovi fabriki in relativno bližino meje s Poljsko.

Kar čudi, je razkorak, da so mnogi Nemci proti Tesli in novokomponiranih ameriških biznis metodah, ampak vedno več Nemcev očitno brez posebnih pomislekov kupuje Tesle. Po poročanju ameriških Automotive News je ameriški Tesla septembra v Nemčiji presegel prodajo japonske Toyote.
Tesla outsells Toyota in German market down 26% in September
Tesla was the biggest winner as EV sales continued to gain traction. The automaker's registrations rose 158 percent to 7,903, outselling Toyota's 7,394 sales.