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anon-333107 sporočil: 8.271
[#2955297] 08.09.21 23:11 · odgovor na: anon-93129 (#2955221)
Odgovori   +    0
Lepo si napisal! Kar srce se mi topi!

In krog je sklenjen!

To me spominja na tisto anekdoto, ki mi jo je pripovedoval starejši kolega. Sicer se je dogajala v njegovi domači vasi, kraju, to je pri naših južnih sosedih....

V vasi, naselju, so imel soseda, kmeta, ki ni bil preveč priljubljen. Tudi pri svojih vaščanih ravno ne... Ne vem točno zakaj, vendar obstajajo tudi taki primeri in primerki! ;)

Prpravlja se na nevihto in vaščan se vrača domov s kolesom, pa vidi tega reveža, kako sam hiti in spravlja seno, da ga nebi namočil dež... Pa se ustavi in mu pomaga, tako da rešita seno v zadnjem trenutku... vendar se vaščan nikakor ni mogel zadržati in pobara soseda, kaj bi se zgodilo, če se on nebi ustavil in mu pomagal!?

Menda je sosed, ne ravno brihten ali kako se temu reče, samo zamahnil z roko in rekel: Naišla bi neka druga Budala!:)
aimon sporočil: 1.924
[#2961101] 27.09.21 11:19
Odgovori   +    0
What things about global warming are still not clear?

It’s still not clear that humans have any influence on climate change. There is a mass of documentation and opinion, but no clear evidence. Many claim that there is a lot of evidence, but then they either point to climate models, which are not evidence at all, or to warming temperatures, which are still not clear evidence because there was natural warming already before we humans started emitting a lot of CO2 and there is no evidence that any of the recent warming is anything other than a continuation of the natural warming.
(Quora Digest)

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