
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

0126Bacis sporočil: 3.052
Odcepljeni Angleži imajo sprejemljive rešitve

The workable alternative to Net Zero
The proposal envisages a Gas to Gas-Nuclear system, unwinding the extreme costs of the failing renewables fleets, delivering immediate consumer relief and a rapid program of low-carbon Combined Cycle Gas Turbine construction on existing sites, leading to a new generation of nuclear employing Small Modular Reactors.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2929883

Strani: 1

Rakijan sporočil: 1.263
Moje "Hidroelektrarne" imajo bojda resitev.. Ce ni kej korona zamaknila bo letos pozimi zadeva testirana..

Strani: 1