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philips sporočil: 6.715
> [philips]
> Dodati je treba da je obraba gum velik del onesenževanja zraka. In pri BEV je še večja kot pri klasičnih avtih.

Prvega ne verjamem brez prepričljivo utemeljene razlage. Pri drugem dvomim, da gre za bistvene razlike. Predvsem pa najbrž nič večje, kot je med raznimi tipi gum enakih dimenzij za enak avto, ki imajo različno obrabo.
tule ti vse lepo piše:

Tight regulation of exhaust emissions by the EU has meant that new cars emit very little particle pollution

But tyre wear pollution is unregulated and can be 1,000 times worse, finds independent real-world testing experts Emissions Analytics

Increased popularity of SUVs, larger and heavier than standard vehicles, exacerbates this problem – as does growing sales of heavy EVs and widespread use of budget tyres

Fitting only high-quality tyres and lowering vehicle weight are routes to reducing these ‘non-exhaust emissions’
