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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2812718] 20.01.20 13:01 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2812386)
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Idiličen Grünheide (amatersko prevedeno zelena resa) ima cca 8.700 prebivalcev, veliko zelenega okolja in je tik ob železniški progi, po kateri vsako uro pelje vlak v center Berlina in obratno (pol urice, nič več).
Minulo soboto Grünheide ni bil popolnoma idiličen, saj se je tam zbralo nekaj sto protestnikov, ki nad teslovimi načrti niso prav nič navdušeni. Zdi se jim, da je uničenje 300 ha gozda in še posebno 300 kubičnih metrov vode na uro, kolikor naj bi porabila tovarna super-eko-oko Tesla PKWagnov malo preveč potratno in škodljivo za njihovo okolje. Da bi lahko sčasoma zmanjkalo pitne vode za tamkajšnje prebivalce, za ljudi. Na drugi strani ceste je okrog 20 ljudi protestiralo proti protestnikom in za tovarno, delovna mesta, prosperitetno prihodnost... Poroča Reuters.
Saturday’s protest came after a Brandenburg water association on Thursday warned against “extensive and serious problems with the drinking water supply and wastewater disposal” for the proposed factory.
Anne Bach, a 27-year-old environmental activist, said Tesla’s plans published earlier this month showed it would need more than 300 cubic meters of water per hour which would drain the area’s declining reserves.
“I am not against Tesla ... But it’s about the site; in a forest area that is a protected wildlife zone. Is this necessary?” Bach said.
“In such an ecological system like the one here and with the background that climate is changing, I cannot understand why another location was not selected from the beginning,” said Frank Gersdorf, a member of “Citizens’ Initiative Gruenheide against Gigafactory”, a local group that organized Saturday’s protest.
Next to the protest, on the other side of the street, around 20 people carried banners welcoming Tesla in their village, with children chanting, “We are here, we are loud, because Tesla is building our future.”
Bernd Kutz, a Gruenheide local, said Tesla would bring improvement to the area, create jobs and give chances to young people.
“I am here because I don’t understand those demonstrators who shout and show us the finger,” Kutz said. “Why has it always to be negative?”
Pobalinsko vprašanje: mar mogočni in od silne post-združitvene nepremičninske vrtoglavice še vedno omotični in zadolženi Berlin z vso svojo širno okolico nima nobene braunfild lokacije za ameriško Teslo?

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2812718

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2849314] 04.06.20 15:31 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2812718)
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Minulo soboto Grünheide ni bil popolnoma idiličen, saj se je tam zbralo nekaj sto protestnikov, ki nad teslovimi načrti niso prav nič navdušeni. Zdi se jim, da je uničenje 300 ha gozda in še posebno 300 kubičnih metrov vode na uro, kolikor naj bi porabila tovarna super-eko-oko Tesla PKWagnov malo preveč potratno in škodljivo za njihovo okolje.
Minilo je nekaj mesecev in velik del ubijalske epidemije in se je teslov podvig na robu Berlina spet znašel v medijih. Bloomberg med fotografijami velikega goloseka poroča, da naj bi se bili teslovci pripravljeni pogovarjati o prilagoditvi svoje megalomansko načrtovane porabe sveže vode in količine odplak.
The electric-car pioneer has faced criticism from local citizens concerned about deforestation and water usage related to the plant’s construction. Initial setbacks included a court-ordered temporary halt in February on clearing trees and a potential fine for ramming piles into the ground before receiving the necessary permits.
But new blueprints to be presented presented this week or next will address some of those concerns by reducing the amount of fresh water required and waste water created, said Joerg Steinbach, the economy minister in the state of Brandenburg, where the facility will be located. Following an eight-week process of public review and response, an open hearing will take place by early September, he added.
“It requires a lot of flexibility,” said Steinbach, adding that Tesla’s unconventional business practices sometimes clash with Germans’ propensity for highly structured planning. “I find out-of-the box great, but at some point it becomes exhausting.”

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