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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2810937] 08.01.20 16:38 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2810919)
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Čeprav naše drage razburljive Petunije že nekaj časa ni v ta kevder, bom malo dregnil v "njeno temo", #MeToo. Potem, ko se je malo polegel škandal okrog ostarelega pohotneža (Francoza), ki je domnevno preveč mačistično ordiniral po obrobju švedske akademije in po nedrjih tamkajšnje kulturniške elite, je zdaj počilo pri Francozih doma.

Z novim letom je izšla knjiga založniške urednice, ki opisuje svoje nekdanje "ljubezenske" prigode iz zgodnjih najstniških let z veliko starejšim slavnim literatom, javno znanim in poznanim pedofilom, kateremu so do zdaj, ko je star 83 let, očitno gledali skozi prste oziroma ga nagrajevali in hvalili ob mižanju. Zdaj pa je v nekaj dneh cel cirkus in celo policija, ki je do zdaj očitno sanjala najbolj osladne ljubezenske zgodbe, se je predramila in samoiniciativno začela preiskavo. Che brava gente!

Poroča Guardian:
French publishing boss claims she was groomed at age 14 by acclaimed author
Vanessa Springora describes relationship with Gabriel Matzneff, then 50, in new book
She also describes how the French literary world at the time indulged Matzneff in his publicly stated attraction to many different teenagers. On TV chatshows he described his relationships with teenagers aged over 15. In France, a child under 15 is considered a sexual minor but they can still be considered able to give their consent.
Matzneff also wrote about his relationships with teenagers, including Springora, in novels and published diaries, and about underage sex tourism in the Philippines – all while being hailed as a daring and talented writer.
On Friday Bernard Pivot, a celebrated literary critic and journalist who interviewed Matzneff on TV many times, responded to the growing controversy about how Matzneff had been allowed to describe his relationships with teenage girls on literary talkshows without being challenged by the host.
He said: “In the 1970s and 1980s, literature came before morality; today, morality comes before literature. Morally, that’s progress. We’re all more or less the intellectual and moral products of a country and, above all, an era.”
The Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said the inquiry would focus on “rapes committed against a minor” aged under 15.
Springora, 47, now a leading publisher, describes in her book how she was seduced at the age of 14 by Matzneff, and how the relationship has left lasting scars.
Matzneff, an essay writer long admired by some in French literary circles, never made any secret of his preference for sex with adolescent girls and boys. In the mid-1970s he published a notorious essay called Les Moins de Seize Ans (The Under-16s).
Springora had indicated she did not intend to bring a criminal complaint against Matzneff, but the Paris prosecutors have opened an investigation of their own accord.
Heitz said that beyond the events described by Springora, the investigation would “work to identify all other eventual victims who could have been subjected to crimes of the same nature in France or abroad”.
In France it is against the law to have a sexual relationship with anyone under the age of 15.