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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2805075] 27.11.19 15:57 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2805072)
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Dve korejski firmi se v Trumpolandiji tožarita zaradi kraje intelektualne lastnine in podobno plemenitih praks, kar zna ogroziti dobavo baterij za električne avtomobile več proizvajalcev. O grejt tajmingu nove korejske "bratomorne" vojne na ameriških sodiščih v morebitno škodo firm Audi, Ford, GM, Kia, JLR, VW itn. poroča Reuters.
With great fanfare, SK Innovation (SKI) (096770.KS) broke ground in March on a $1.7 billion factory in Commerce, Georgia, about 200 km from VW’s (VOWG_p.DE) Chattanooga plant, which will be the automaker’s electric vehicle hub in the United States.
LG Chem (LGC) (051910.KS) had other ideas.
Stung by missing out on the VW deal to the new kid on the block and the departure of 77 employees for its rival across the Han River in Seoul, LGC took SKI to court in the United States in April accusing it of misappropriating trade secrets.
Se mi zdi, da se pri Tesli (in Panasonicu?) ob tem lahko muzajo...