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A so znoreli tudi v Indoneziji, ker selijo prestolnico iz Džakarte, ki se potaplja?
Jezuskristusmarijainrevolucija! Morda je res bolje, da se avtorji ne oglašate tu v kevdru, ker vas bomo žive pojedli. Kaj vi berete, kaj pijete, kaj kadite? A rešili bodo nekaj deset tisoč funkcionarjev, birokratov in služabnikov, deset milijonov pa pustili, da se utopijo?!

Po Guardianu bodo državno uradništvo in funkcionarstvo umaknili iz neznosne 10-milijonske Džakarte v novokomponirano idilo, ki ima kot bonus tudi kopensko mejo z Malezijo, pa tudi Brunei ni daleč, če bi se bilo treba na hitro umakniti pred pobesnelimi ljudskimi množicami. Ker ne smemo pozabiti, da še ni tako davno, ko je bila Indonezija prizorišče množičnega bratomora, ki se mu ni reklo nič, ker je bila na pravi strani političnega in geostrateškega radarja.
Widodo says that the relocation is about addressing inequality and relieving some of the burden on Jakarta, and the island of Java. Java is home to 60% of the country’s population and more than half of its economic activity. Kalimantan is almost four times bigger, but accounts for less than a tenth of the gross domestic production.
Kalimantan is also much more central in Indonesia’s archipelago of 17,000 islands.
“The location is very strategic – it’s in the centre of Indonesia and close to urban areas,” the president said in a televised speech. “The burden Jakarta is holding right now is too heavy as the centre of governance, business, finance, trade and services.”
How unusual is it to move your capital?
A bit, but not unheard of. In 2005 Naypyidaw replaced Yangon as the capital of Myanmar. Like the proposed capital of Indonesia, Naypyidaw was a planned city, as Canberra was when it became Australia’s capital in 1911. Brasília, another planned city, replaced Rio de Janeiro as capital of Brazil in 1960, moving the capital to a more central location in the country.
Guardianovci so pozabili omeniti...
a, ne niso:
...administrativni center sosednje Malezije, ki je morda indonezijskim birokratom pokazal, kako zna mandarinska elita lepo poskrbeti za lastne riti, ki težko prenašajo milijonske gmote plebsa okrog sebe.
The seat of government was shifted in 1999 from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya because of overcrowding and congestion in the former. Kuala Lumpur remains Malaysia's national capital and is the seat of the King, the Parliament, and all the foreign embassies, and the country's commercial and financial centre. Putrajaya was the idea of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. It became Malaysia's third Federal Territory, after Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, in 2001.