Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

rava sporočil: 266
Aja, še to.

Pejt v iskalnik foruma in daj poizvedbo opic*
173 strani postov, ko forumaši en druzga ali vladajoče zmerjajo z opicami.
Nobene reakcije.
Ne rečem, da je lih lepo, samo z opicami se zmerja sonarodnjake, oblast, vse živo skratka, problem je pa samo, če se eni skupini to reče?
Lepo te prosim, no.

Tle je en krasen članek o tem kaj se dogaja po dekolonizaciji, in sicer na primeru Indije.
Indijski avtor (da ne bo spet kdo opletal o rasizmu) pravi, da so lokalni poglavarji totalno razfukali vsaj na približno delujoče inštitucije, ki so jih postavili Angleži in da je to za državo velik problem. Prav to se zdaj dogaja tudi v JAR in še marsikje drugje po Afriki, ker so se lokalni poglavarji izkazali za slabše vladarje.


Unfortunately, the rational institutions that the British left behind in India have continued to degrade since the time they left. Modi was a sudden and significant break from the British and also the start of an era of rapid degradation.

Termites have now hollowed out these institutions. There is a suffocating smell of rot everywhere. Class, vision, honor, pride, and self-respect are conspicuous by their absence, not just among politicians but particularly among the citizens. Now the underlying tribal culture is reasserting itself through the continued - and accelerating - degeneration of these political institutions.
