Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

pirdih sporočil: 210
Izkoristil bom tvoj post, da prilimam tole malo ameriškega pogleda na EU (nima nobene veze z multikulti politično korektnostjo glede poročanja o zločin(c)ih) :


Notri je nekaj leposlovnih biserov, o katerih bi se lahko malo pogovarjali na FDVju pri mednarodnih odnosih. Dva sem iztrgal iz besedila:
The problem is that the European Union was not designed to manage a convergence of interests; it was designed to manage forces of divergence.
As for von der Leyen, she, like Macron, understands that the EU has reached a “reform or die” moment. What is less clear is if she understands that, for the Herculean task ahead of her, a national interest-based pragmatism will be a far deeper well from which to draw than an unnecessarily ideological European-ism.
Niso še čisto obupali nad "nami" - malo še manjka. :)