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Izbrana tema: članek Savdska Arabija bo spet gostila ameriške vojake

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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[Glavni forum] Tema: Savdska Arabija bo spet gostila ameriške vojake
[#2784711] 20.07.19 18:53 · odgovor na: (#2784701)
Odgovori   +    0
Vse tole pocetje Irana nima smisla, zato sem postavil hipotezo, da jim je garda usla izpod nadzora. Pretorjanci, janicarji so znani iz zgodovine. Kot arabci, verjamejo v svoje pravljice in vlecejo hudica za rep. Ta je zaenkrat se dobrodusen, je pa poznano iz zgodovine kaj se zgodi ko se mu odtrga. Pa Trump jim NE bo postavljal kakrsnihkoli omejitev. Ce bodo sli v to, bo to NA POLNO. Pa rusko in kitajsko orozje bo izgubilo trg.
Mislim da bo en od znakov da se veselica bliza, ko bo letalonosilka odplula iz zaliva.
Tale clanek to dovolj dobro potrdi.


Like the Pakistani and Chinese militaries, the IRGC also has a large stake in the Iranian economy, both in legal and illegal enterprises. Guard commanders own large swaths of real estate in Tehran and are accused of involvement in lucrative cross-border smuggling operations.
Mohsen Sazegara was a founding member of Khomeni’s sepah, but is now an exiled dissident and an outspoken critic of the organisation he helped establish. “We created a people’s army to defend the country and also help in emergencies, but it turned into a monster,” he told the Guardian.
“Its transformation during the Iran-Iraq war, then the creation of the Quds force, its involvement in financial activities and its role in suppressing reformists has turned it into a country inside a country, a government inside a government and an organisation that has no equivalent anywhere in the world. It’s like a river that is overflowing, covering everything.”