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XFACT1 sporočil: 292
Samo za info: dve od štirih sta belopolti.
AP sicer pravi takole :
"U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., respond to base remarks by President Donald Trump after he called for four Democratic congresswomen of color ..."
The term "person of color" (plural: people of color, persons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC) today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. The term encompasses all non-white people, emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism.
Tako da kaj je "women of color" je jasno, karkoli samo ne belopolte.

Teoretično, je bela tudi barva, tako trdi Mike Kelly:
"You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended,"

Ampak dvornega norčka se lahko dela vsak, še veliko lažje če je bel.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2784211

Strani: 1

anon-116402 sporočil: 4.340
> [usimoncic]
> Samo za info: dve od štirih sta belopolti.

AP sicer pravi takole :
"U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., respond to base remarks by President Donald Trump after he called for four Democratic congresswomen of color ..."
The term "person of color" (plural: people of color, persons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC) today is used primarily in the United States to describe any person who is not European American or white. The term encompasses all non-white people, emphasizing common experiences of systemic racism.
Tako da kaj je "women of color" je jasno, karkoli samo ne belopolte.

Teoretično, je bela tudi barva, tako trdi Mike Kelly:
"You know, they talk about people of color. I'm a person of color. I'm white. I'm an Anglo Saxon. People say things all the time, but I don't get offended,"

Ampak dvornega norčka se lahko dela vsak, še veliko lažje če je bel.
Rase so štiri: kavkazoidna (evropejska ali ”bela”), mongoloidna (ki vključuje Kitajce, Inuite ali Eskime in ameriške staroselce), negroidna (črni Afričani) in avstraloidna (avstralski aborigini). Rashida Tlaib in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sta pač belki, pa če ti je prav ali ne.

Bela seveda ni barva, pa črna tudi ni. Kavkazoidni ljudje pa nismo zares povsem beli (razen albinov, pa še ti niso povsem), pa tudi negroidi niso zares črni. Deljenje na "people of color" je sicer povsem politična zadeva in kot taka se vsakič poljubno definira, v skladu s trenutnimi potrebami, zato jaz o tem niti ne bi razpravljal. To je tak, kot bi razpravljal kakšno obliko ima voda, ki si jo izlil skozi okno.

Strani: 1