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anon-178149 sporočil: 4.311
> [MarijanMacek]
> Očevidno hudičevo boli, če se ustreliš v koleno!

Zagrozili so tudi Kitajci, ki menda držijo 97% svetovne proizvodnje redkih kovin, da jih ne bodo več dobavljali ZDA. Sicer se na Kitajskem nahaja 55 % vseh globalnih rezerv redkih kovin, 9 % v ZDA in 14 % v Rusiji...Redke kovine se uporabljajo pri izdelavi številnih visokotehnoloških proizvodov v avtomobilski, vojaški, farmacevtski industriji, pomembne so v proizvodnji sončnih celic, vetrnih turbin ter številnih elektronskih naprav. Redke kovine so lahko politično orožje...Molibden, iridij, osmij, rutenij, paladij, renij, platina, rodij, tehnecij...
No ta z redkimi zemljami je zelo neizvirna, nekoč so Japonci že nekaj poskušali proti Kitajski, (milim da j šlo za ribiško ladjo), pa se je stvar uredila v 24h seveda ob omembi nekakšni redkih zemlj.
Danes pa RT, piše pod naslovom China's other nuclear option in trade war with US – Rare earth materials o možnih ukrepih Kitajske proti ZDA

Rare earth materials are indeed one more way China can retaliate, independent political analyst, Alessandro Bruno, told RT.
“It could put heavy restrictions on the rare earth metals that are necessary to make all kinds of electronic equipment, especially phones. This is a significant threat because the West does not have its own supply,” he explained.
The minerals are unsurprisingly not included on the US list of $200 billion worth of Chinese goods facing higher import tariffs. Shortly after Chinese and other media reported that Beijing is considering an embargo, shares of rare earth miners skyrocketed.
On Tuesday, the rare-earth sector jumped by 8.5 percent, according to Global Times. China Rare Earth Holdings Ltd enjoyed the biggest gains in the industry as its shares soared 108 percent.
Sicer pa o tem piše tudi Blomberg,