Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
According to 2016 first-quarter figures from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. GDP is around $18.1 trillion. Russia's economy is roughly a tenth the size of the U.S.' (the World Bank stated that Russia's GDP in 2015 was $1.3 trillion.)

Mislim da so ravno dovolj veliki da jih lahko ugriznejo v gleženj.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2773154

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anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
Zadnja sprememba: anon-317028 07.05.2019 07:22
According to 2016 first-quarter figures from the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. GDP is around $18.1 trillion. Russia's economy is roughly a tenth the size of the U.S.' (the World Bank stated that Russia's GDP in 2015 was $1.3 trillion.)

Mislim da so ravno dovolj veliki da jih lahko ugriznejo v gleženj.
Po kupni moči, torej o kupni moči je beseda...Russia is number 6 in the world, just a tiny bit behind Germany and well ahead of both the United Kingdom, France, or Spain. Russia’s GDP (PPP) was 4,007,831 million Int$, and Germany’s was 4,170,790 million Int$..

Za vojsko in obrambo po kupni moči, torej tudi tukaj je beseda o kupni moči...V letu 2017 je Rusija po kupni moči uporabila 172 milijarde, Nemčija 50 milijard, Francija 65 milijard, Velika Britanija 52 milijard...

Vse te številke, ki jim lahko verjameš ali tudi ne, so na linku

Zapomnimo si, Rusija za obrambo zapravlja rublje in plačuje v rubljah, z drugimi besedami Rusija ne plačuje v dolarjih.

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